Cloud buster sword replica fake
Cloud buster sword replica fake

cloud buster sword replica fake

Cloud buster sword replica fake series#

Within a few short months, these unofficial replicas were completely withdrawn from the market, and with no interest in replacing it with an authorized replica, fans of the series had to resort to making their own or hiring a custom sword maker to make one for them.Ī situation that remains to this day. What these sellers did not know was that the parent company behind Final Fantasy, Square Enix, who hold the copyright to Clouds sword and all the other Final Fantasy swords, had hired a team of lawyers and began to systematically sue the sword sellers who were making unauthorized replicas ( click here for an article about this action at ). Until around 2008, there were a lot of replicas that cost around $80 or so and were made from a fairly thin sheet of stainless steel being made in China and flooding the sword market. You may have noticed that almost no matter where you go online, there are no replicas of this sword available in the anime sections of various sword stores. Swords used historically all over the world as 'horse killers' and wereĭesigned to cut the legs off a horse on the battlefield (not veryĬhivalrous I know, but all is fair in love and war). In real life the buster sword would weigh at least 80 pounds - quite possibly over 100lbs, andĪnyone who attempted to use one in battle would not be able to generateĮnough power with it to do any significant damage, and would beĭismembered limb from limb by a more nimble fighter, thus such a blade

cloud buster sword replica fake

Well, the simple reason is that historically few swords were over 3lbs in weight, and the largest, heaviest swords no more than double that. Historically, there were quite a few massively oversized swords - though the majority of them were not actually functional and were called 'bearing swords' and were used for ceremonial purposes only. If the buster sword was real it would have the following statistics Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA).Ultra Durable 'Beater' Katana under $400.Affordable Traditional Blades with 'Hamon'.

Cloud buster sword replica fake